Applications now open to become the next generation of Change Makers
How does the current state of society make you feel?
Is it fair? Do you feel represented? Do you see people who look like you, sound like you, at the highest levels of politics, business and education?
Do you want to make change but feel unsure how to? If you do, this free programme is for you.
At RECLAIM we’re looking to recruit a diverse group of working-class young people who want to step forward and take their place in addressing the issues that hold you back (no idea what ‘working-class’ is? No problem - see below).
We'll be running an online campaign leadership programme to equip you with the skills and knowledge to identify and influence those in power, making effective and long-lasting change.
At the end of the course, we’ll support the group of you to campaign on the issues that matter to you and link you up with other campaigners and organisations making change happen.
RECLAIM is a charity, led by people from working-class backgrounds who want to support the next generation to make change.
Who can apply
Aged 16-19 years old
Live in Greater Manchester
Available every Wednesday, 30th September - 16th December 2020
For more information, or to have a chat about this exciting new programme, get in touch with Katie on 07739 752347 or
Not familiar with the term working class?
No problem, lots of people aren't. It means different things to different people but for us at RECLAIM being working-class is characterised by a few key factors:
You're on, or grew up on, a low income with limited access to wealth.
You don't have many family connections to people with well paid, professional or powerful jobs.
You find it harder to 'fit in' in middle-class spaces, interests and conversations.
You're proud of your background and want people to see it as a strength, not a weakness
While working-class people have many of these things in common, we're a diverse bunch too. Working-class people are white, black and brown, LGBT+, disabled, recent migrants or refugees or from families who can trace their roots in the UK back generations, of various religions or none, women, men and non-binary. We're many things but we share the experience of growing up facing those four factors above.
Finally, at RECLAIM we don't mind if you publicly identify as working-class or not, that's completely up to you.
Apply to become a change maker
Please submit your responses to the questions below by Sunday 27th September. You can do so by completing the questionnaire below or submitting a voice note or video to 07739 752347.